Welcome to St. Luke Catholic Church! St. Luke Parish is located just north of the Seattle city limits, in Shoreline, Washington. Luke was established more than 50 years ago and is the spiritual home for more than 1400 families. Father Chad Green has been our Pastor since July 2024 with Father Aloysius Ssensamba (Father Luigi) as Parochial Vicar.
From 1961 until the present moment, the Saint Luke story is a story of the goodness of God’s Providence through countless men and women who have made and continue to make Saint Luke Catholic Church and School what it is today: a faith-filled, …
St. Luke Parish exists to develop joyful disciples, grow in Christ, and serve with love. We do this by using our compassionate love and talents to cultivate relationships and inspire action so that all experience the fullness of Jesus Christ.
We are a microcosm of the universal Church. The outreach to the poor, the homeless, the aging, hospitalized and homebound, youth and young adults is a great sign of our acceptance of Gospel values.
We are the faith-filled families of St. Luke Parish, a Catholic community in Brookfield, Wisconsin located at 18000 West Greenfield Avenue. We extend a warm welcome and invite you to come visit us.