Movento® insecticide features powerful, two-way movement that moves within plants to protect them from a broad range of insects, mites and nematodes above and below the ground, creating highly pest-resistant plants and healthier crops.
Movento is a powerful, innovative insecticide for the control of sucking pests – including silverleaf whitefly and various aphid, scale and thrips pests – in a range of vegetable crops, citrus, stone fruit, mangoes, grapes, apples and cotton.
Movento® insecticide/nematicide features powerful, two way movement throughout plants to protect them from a broad range of insects, mites and nematodes above
Movento ® insecticide is the most effective solution for your potato, apple, grape and a number of vegetable crops. Spray before threshold is reached and its two-way systemic action and strong residual control will ensure aphids stay out, all season long.
Movento® HL insecticide/nematicide offers a high level of residual control and protects new foliage, root and tuber growth from insect damage. Foliar applications of Movento HL inhibit juvenile development of nematodes to extend control of pre-plant or at-plant programs of other nematicides. /// BENEFITS • Suppression of Nematodes
May 10, 2022 · Research conducted by Bayer confirms that Movento fungicide's long-lasting, two-way systemic activity is key to a comprehensive pest management strategy.
Insecticides decis protech. A broad spectrum pyrethroid insecticide for the control of aphids, caterpillars and a range of other pests in a wide range of agricultural and horticultural crops.
Bayer Movento insecticide offers effective protection against diseases like aphids, mites, whiteflies, mealy bugs, & thrips in different types of crops.
MOVENTO®: • Is a suspension concentrate formulation and is active primarily by ingestion against immature target pest life stages. In addition, fertility of adult female target pests, such as aphids and whiteflies, may be reduced. • Can be applied by air, ground equipment or through chemigation as a preventative treatment or
MOVENTO ® 240 SC Insecticide is active primarily by ingestion by immature insect life stages. Application should be timed to coincide with an early threshold level in developing insect populations. MOVENTO® 240 SC Insecticide can be applied by airblast, aerial and ground application equipment.