Join the Great Prayer of the Church Magnificat is a monthly publication designed for daily use that aligns your personal prayer life with the liturgical rhythm of the Church, while immersing you in …
The painting that adorns the cover of this issue of Magnificat bears witness to the final lights of this Christian epic in which, in the spirit of Mary’s Magnificat, the humble were blessed to be so.
Magnificat offers us the opportunity to join each day in the great prayer of the Church, every morning and every evening, when we intone hymns, united in one heart with all who are …
The Magnificat App includes the official texts of Mass, prayers for morning, evening, and night inspired by the Liturgy of the Hours, meditations drawn from the best writings of both Church …
Opening Prayer Leader 1: Let us pray. Most merciful Father, your gifts of love are countless and your goodness infinite. On this Thanksgiving Day we come before you with gratitude for your …
Magnificat - Juillet 2018 Lundi 9, matin 129 Psaume 41 (i) Soif de Dieu Le Seigneur ton Dieu t’a fait passer par la pauvreté, il t’a fait sentir la faim, et il t’a donné à manger la manne, pour que …