A triclopyr herbicide recommended for control of woody plants and broadleaf weeds in rangelands and pastures. Free Shipping! A unique blend of triclopyr, dicamba, and mesotrione formulated …
Triclopyr is a man-made herbicide used to control both broadleaf and woody plants. It was first registered in 1979 for use in forestry and it is used in both agricultural and non-agricultural …
Oct 20, 2023 · If you're a gardening expert, you've probably heard of triclopyr, a synthetic herbicide found in products like Ortho GroundClear, Vastlan, Bonide Stump-Out, Pathfinder II, …
Triclopyr is a selective weedkiller used to control dicotyledonous weeds (i.e. broadleaf plants) while leaving monocotyledonous plants (mostly bulbs, grasses and conifers) unaffected, [2] or …
Sep 28, 2022 · Triclopyr is a selective herbicide, targeting broadleaf and woody plants instead of grassy plants. It may also be used as one ingredient in a multichemical herbicidal mix that …
Alligare Triclopyr 4 is a herbicide used to control unwanted woody plants and annual and perennial broadleaf weeds • in forests • on permanent grass pastures, rangelands, and …
Triclopyr is a selective systemic herbicide used to control woody and herbaceous broadleaf plants along right-of-ways, in forests, and in grasslands and parklands. It has little or no impact on …
Triclopyr is a systemic herbicide. It affects actively growing plants by mimicking a specific type of plant growth hormone, known as an auxin. 9 Plants rapidly take in triclopyr through leaves and …
Triclopyr is an herbicide that controls woody plants and broadleaf weeds. Triclopyr mimics a plant growth hormone and causes uncontrolled and disorganized plant growth that leads to plant …
May 10, 2018 · Triclopyr is a man-made herbicide used to control both broadleaf and woody plants. Broadleaf weeds include nettles, docks, and brambles. It mimics a plant growth …