Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal are celebrating their fourth wedding anniversary. To mark this special day, Varun had made a promise to Natasha. Varun Dhawan has vowed to Natasha that he will take her ...
THIS is the concerning moment an eight-year-old groom reportedly has his first dance after an illegal arranged marriage to a ...
A woman shared touching footage of her Home Affairs wedding ceremony where she married her Venda partner in an intimate civil union celebration that moved SA.
With the inauguration of Donald Trump, Pope Francis is concerned about the policies being implemented in the United States. Heartwarming moment as Queensland Police Officers reunite a young girl with ...
Oscar winner Jamie Foxx and fitness model Alyce Huckstepp, whose relationship was confirmed in August 2023, have broken up.
On the special occasion of Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal's wedding anniversary, here's a look at some of their memorable firsts with their daughter Lara.
Dear Abby advices a person who believes that she should have received a “thank you” card from her cousin’s daughter’s wedding ...
Amazon Prime has you covered with some of the best movies that will make you cry and have you rolled in a blanket. Read on and go through our listicle of 6 saddest movies to watch on the streamer.
A woman has filed a lawsuit against a polygamous sect and her former husband — who is also her uncle — claiming she was trafficked and pressured to marry.
Hundreds of same-sex couples are tying the knot across Thailand as the country becomes the first in Southeast Asia to recognise marriage equality.
After the overwhelming response to our first list of Sydney’s hottest couples, we couldn’t resist rounding up another batch of the city’s most stylish, influential, and admired pairs.