Marking its global debut, Aiata will showcase its first yacht model, the Wayfinder 38 in 3 different configurations. Wayfinder 38 is an outboard walkaround that stands for flexibility, comfort and ...
Deciding to roleplay an unpredictable Sith, one who would with one had wield terrifying power and go straight Dark Side on some decisions, but with the other hand be merciful and almost a paragon ...
Research Station 57 on Akiva conceals four treasures that Star Wars Outlaws players can access by avoiding the stormtroopers and AT-AT Walkers.
Perhaps in that version of the story, Rey traveled to Coruscant to retrieve the Sith Wayfinder from the Imperial Palace’s ruins instead of from the ruins of the second Death Star on Kef Bir.
The wayfinder comprises two systems working in tandem: a head-mounted navigation unit and a tactile sensor worn on the user’s finger. Both systems use Maxbotix LV-MaxSonar-EZ0 ultrasonic ...