The Smile Man, starring R. Sarathkumar in the lead role, focuses on the tale of a seasoned cop, Chidambaram, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Adjusting to this newfound diagnosis ...
The Tamil crime thriller The Smile Man, starring R. Sarathkumar, follows a police officer with Alzheimer’s pursuing a serial killer. Directed by Syam and Praveen, it premiered theatrically on December ...
“I’m heartbroken to have to share the news that my husband of 29 years, Robert L Powers, passed away early in the morning on New Year’s Eve,” Penny announced on Facebook. https://www ...
But inside Marcy Correctional Facility, the news of Robert Brooks’ death – while undeniably tragic – did not come as a complete shock, one inmate told CNN. Frederick Williams, 30 ...
On Dec. 9, Robert L. Brooks, an inmate at Marcy Correctional Facility in Oneida County, was beaten by multiple correction officers after being transferred to that prison from nearby Mohawk ...
In case you are going through such a tough time, I would like to encourage you with the words of late Rev. Robert Schuller, “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” ...