PYRETHRUM 5EC is an emulsifiable concentrate prepared from pyrethrum - nature's own rapid-acting insecticide. PYRETHRUM 5EC controls beetles, aphids, blackfly, greenfly, caterpillars and white fly on ...
The key to chrysanthemums' pest-repelling properties lies in the natural insecticide they produce, called pyrethrin. This compound is highly effective at deterring a wide range of insects ...
Pyrethrin is an organic compound that is commonly used as an insecticide and is derived from dried chrysanthemum cinerariae folium flowers commonly known as pyrethrum daisy. Pyrethrin primarily target ...
A promotional film which shows the commercial growing, processing and use of the pyrethrum flower as a natural insecticide. The film focusses mostly on Kenya and features it as a modern and dynamic ...
The insecticidal compound pyrethrin is synthesized in Dalmatian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevis.) Sch.Bip.; Asteraceae), a plant species endemic to the eastern Mediterranean. Pyrethrin is ...
Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) is a perennial plant in the daisy family (Asteraceae). The flowers are a source of naturally produced bioactive pyrethrins widely recognized for their rapid knock ...
Company leverages 120-year history of botanical innovation to develop new insect control solution.