Cuaca membeku saat musim panas di belahan bumi utara telah sebelumnya menjadi misteri selama hampir 200 tahun. Gunung api ...
Alap-alap kawah atau Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), mampu menangkap mangsa dengan kecepatan sekitar 300 km per jam. Ini bahkan lebih cepat dari rata-rata balapan mobil Formula 1. Bersama elang… ...
Wilayah Jepang membujur dari Kepulauan Kuril di utara hingga Kepulauan Ryukyu di selatan dengan luas mencapai 377. 727km². Beberapa pulau utama Jepang seperti Hokkaido, Honshu (Hansyu), Kyushu, dan ...
Mereka dapat meletus. Tristan da Cunha, pulau terpencil di Samudra Atlantik, dihuni 250 orang. Dikenal dengan gunung berapi Queen Mary's Peak dan keanekaragaman satwa liar. Seorang balita hampir jatuh ...
The 200-year-old volcanic eruption mystery of 1831 has been solved, bringing the Kuril islands or “Ring of Fire” to light.
Nearly 200 years after a powerful volcanic eruption cooled Earth’s climate, scientists have identified the source of the mystery: Zavaritskii volcano, located in the remote Kuril Islands. The findings ...
Nearly two centuries after a massive volcanic eruption cooled Earth’s climate, scientists have identified the source: the Zavaritskii volcano in the remote Kuril Islands. For almost 200 years ...
The 'mystery volcano' was Zavaritskii, also spelled as Zavaritsky. It is situated on Simushir Island, a part of the Kuril Islands archipelago -- a disputed area by Russia and Japan. As per their ...
The world-changing event has at last been linked with the Zavaritskii volcano on Simushir of the Kuril Islands, an uninhibited strip of land barely 59 kilometers (37 miles) in length located between ...
The Kuril Islands are a volcanic archipelago stretching across more than 800 miles of the northwest Pacific between Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan's main islands, and the Kamchatka Peninsula ...
According to the analysis, the mystery volcano was Zavaritskii (also spelled Zavaritsky) on Simushir Island, part of the Kuril Islands archipelago, an area disputed by Russia and Japan.