The show featuring the Lone Ranger and his horse Silver premiered on WXYZ radio in Detroit for the first time on Jan. 30, 1933. Known for his strict moral code, his crime-fighting ways and eventually ...
Welcome to Clarkes Collectibles & Lunchbox Museum, where the past is present and lunch is always packed. This unique museum ...
Whether creating sympathy for animals or using aliens to comment on society, Gary Larson's best Far Side comics gave readers ...
Rucka also published a sequel to his original comic series titled The Old Guard: Force Multiplied. The first movie was directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood while Victoria Mahoney helmed the sequel.
There’s a reason why all those old sitcoms were turned into arch ... Saturday Night Live was accurately depicting how Tonto was depicted on The Lone Ranger, so maybe that could fly. But Jon Lovitz ...
Google tells us that television was first demonstrated by an American inventor named Philo Farnsworth in 1927. Some decades later, television is everywhere – on giant screens, on laptops, on ...
To escape from this otherworldly realm, a lone rider surveys the mysterious world in search of an exit. The game will get a "Magazine Edition" that includes the physical game, an artbook ...
DC Comics great Carmine Infantino drew Aurora ... and contributed items to local organizations. But the old guard inevitably passed: Former Revlon executive Charles Diker acquired control ...
We've been hearing whispers of a potential Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic adaptation at Lucasfilm ... been a plethora of spin-off novels and comic books. A live-action take is something ...