To maintain good oral health, it's important to floss properly, taking into account your tooth shape and flossing frequency.
Whether you floss in the morning or evening is up to you, so long as you get it in once a day. It's equally important to have the right technique when you floss so that you can clean your teeth ...
Discover essential tips for brushing teeth to maintain optimal oral health. Learn proper techniques, tools, and habits for a ...
I am sorry to say that I am one of those people who floss every day, sometimes more than once. I genuinely enjoy flossing—the satisfying excavation, the mini mouth massage, the minty aromatherapy.
Standing in front of the mirror and maneuvering a thin floss thread between your teeth isn’t pleasant. But flossing is an important part of any oral hygiene routine — it removes plaque ...
We all know that daily flossing is core to good oral hygiene. But did you know some dental flosses may be made with ingredients that pose risks to your health, or the planet’s? To help identify ...
Unsurprisingly, I never got into flossing, despite the pleadings of my dentist (and the many flossing hacks that exist). I'd give it a go after each visit but I always quit before it became a habit.