Follow Bloomberg India on WhatsApp for exclusive content and analysis on what billionaires, businesses and markets are doing. Sign up here. Pakistan’s largest egg products manufacturer Barkat ...
The father of 3-week-old Sila, Mahmoud al-Faseeh, wrapped her in a blanket to try and keep her warm in their tent in the Muwasi area outside the town of Khan Younis, but it wasn't enough ...
The father of 3-week-old Sila, Mahmoud al-Faseeh, wrapped her in a blanket to try and keep her warm in their tent in the Muwasi area outside the town of Khan Younis, but it wasn't enough ...
The chief pediatric doctor at a southern Gaza hospital told AFP that three babies sheltering in tents had died of "severe temperature drop" this week. Khan Yunis, Gaza - The chief pediatric doctor at ...
On Thursday, another baby, Sila Mahmoud al-Faseeh, was found unresponsive. By the time doctors reached her, her lungs had deteriorated and she was declared dead from hypothermia. "In the morning ...
The father of 3-week-old Sila Mahmoud al-Faseeh wrapped her in a blanket to try and keep her warm in their tent in the Muwasi area outside Khan Younis, but it wasn’t enough, he told The ...
Ahmed al-Farra, director of the children’s ward at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, confirmed the death of three-week-old Sila Mahmoud al-Faseeh on Wednesday, adding that two other babies ...
The deceased three-week-old girl, Sila al-Faseeh, lived in the Al Mawasi tent city, on the Mediterranean coast near Khan Yunis. Her father, Mahmoud Al Faseeh, told AFP that in her final hours, "the ...
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Al-Bursh posted a video of Sila Mahmoud Al-Faseeh, born earlier this month, whose parents brought her to Nasser Hospital, in Khan Yunis. Her father, holding his deceased child still shrouded in a ...
The father of 3-week-old Sila Mahmoud al-Faseeh wrapped her in a blanket to try and keep her warm in their tent in the Muwasi area outside Khan Younis, but it wasn't enough, he told The Associated ...