But you must be registered before the Captain’s Party ... boat parade Sunday afternoon, Destin will host a Holly Jolly at the Harbor event from 3-5 p.m. at Capt. Royal Melvin Heritage Park.
Party boats allow more people (think 40-plus anglers) than traditional fishing charters. How much should I tip for my fishing charter? It is customary to tip between 15% and 20% for a Destin ...
Whether you're looking for a pirate-themed cruise, a romantic sunset sail or a dolphin-spotting excursion, Destin has a boat tour for you. If you're hoping to catch a glimpse of the area's ...
with only 78 boat listings and an average rate of $83. Like Destin, the most popular boat type is a pontoon, which allows boaters to enjoy locations like Crab Island. Destin ranked seventh on the ...