Las cicatrices en queloide no solo pueden afectar físicamente, sino también emocionalmente a quienes las padecen. Conocer acerca de su prevención puede ser crucial para muchas personas que predispuest ...
Beneficios de la sábila Ayuda a reducir arrugas, manchas de sol y cicatrices de acné: el gel y las cremas con extracto de sábila cuentan con sustancias como el mucílago, la saponina y el ...
Evita procedimientos como tatuajes si tienes antecedentes de queloides. Consulta siempre a un dermatólogo si notas cambios inusuales en tus cicatrices. Actuar rápidamente puede marcar la ...
Learn more A great face moisturizer is the crucial skincare step for all skin types — especially dry skin and acne-prone skin. There's a misconception that those with oily skin should avoid ...
Millions of people deal with acne, but those who suffer from cystic acne know how difficult it is to treat compared to ordinary pimples. Cystic acne is a severe form of acne that results in large ...
Perhaps the most common and frustrating of them all are frequent breakouts. Acne affects an estimated 80% of people between ages 11 and 30 at some point in their lives, according to The National ...
You've probably been told that the number one rule for getting rid of a zit is not to pick it, and yet, here you are, post-pimple pop and with an acne scab to show for it. Your first thought might ...