Beetles are the most diverse group of organisms on the planet, so you shouldn’t be surprised to find many different kinds thriving in your garden. Here’s how to separate the good, the bad, and the ...
Can you tell me what caused these holes in potatoes? They weren’t rotten but looked and felt like something had eaten them.
So far, the chafer beetle grubs haven't done much damage to Township parks, but staff are keeping a watch on the situation.
"If the Japanese beetle isn't controlled and allowed to establish ... and spraying larvicide on affected plants to kill its grubs. The CFIA also has rules to control the spread of plants and ...
Multiple provincial agencies and municipal governments have led initiatives to stop the beetle, including placing traps to capture the insects and spraying larvicide on affected plants to kill its ...
One of the world’s best insect undertakers is making a comeback. Populations of the American burying beetle, North America’s largest carrion beetle, have been decimated due mainly to habitat ...
For the rest of the year, the beetles live underground as grubs, feeding on decaying plant matter and nibbling roots. Location dictates colour variation, with many brighter Christmas beetle ...
Although there are many natural ways to remove Japanese beetles, they can't give you a perfect outcome in all cases. While some just can treat larvae instead of adults, others require a lot of time to ...
San Benito shines bright as oxbow lakes grace our surroundings. These natural waterways add to the charm and beauty of our area, much like a well-kept lawn adds charm to our homes. LawnStarter is here ...
Skunks, moles and birds can’t keep up. Local neighborhoods have bare ground instead of a lawn due to Japanese beetle grub damage. FMCA students urge residents to research treatments online.
There are different options available for different uses, but the most effective options are directed at the grubs. Japanese beetles spent winter in the soil as nearly full-grown grubs.