City Union Bank shows strong growth in financial indicators, with improved asset quality and double-digit profit increase in Q3 2024.
Ad-hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR Geschäftsjahr Der Nettoumsatz wuchs um +12% (kWk1, +11% USD), das operative Kernergebnis1 verbesserte sich um +22% (kWk, +19% USD) Das Umsatzwachstum beruhte ...
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Full year Net sales grew +12% (cc1, +11% USD) with core operating income1 up +22% (cc, +19% USD) ...
Group sales grew by 7%1 at constant exchange rates (CER; 3% in CHF), driven by strong demand for both medicines and diagnostics.Excluding COVID-19, Group sales increased by 9%.