Based on the manga with the same title, this animated film follows Shizuku, an inquisitive young girl and a voracious reader, who longs to be a writer when she grows up. One day she notices that ...
Whisper of the Heart, a 1995 adaptation of the Aoi Hiiragi manga Mimi o Sumaseba, dares to subvert this standard. Director Yoshifumi Kondō and screenwriter Hayao Miyazaki follow 14-year-old ...
NAGOYA (Kyodo) -- A theme park in central Japan devoted to the world portrayed in Studio Ghibli's animation movies such as ...
Held on January 18th and 19th, the pop-up brought fans into the world of Naruto, showcasing Mokobara's exclusive limited-edition Naruto collection in a setting fans couldn't help but recognize.
In the area named “A Hill of Youth,” the “Earth Shop” featured in the film “Whisper of the Heart” and a building featured in “The Cat Returns” are re-created. One of the other two ...
It was October 2014 when the buzz started, online and in print – a whisper that was about to go ... keep on the basis of what sparks joy in your heart," she writes, "is the most important ...
Yamuna flowing through its heart, feels like a distant memory - a river struggling to survive against the chaos of urban life. Amidst this longing, Jayasri Burman’s ‘The Whisper of Water, The Song of ...
The anime’s vivid animation and heart-pounding action bring the story to life, but there’s an undeniable magic to experiencing the intricate plot and character development unfold page by page in the ...