3 Reuse and refill systems are made more competitive compared to single-use packaging, such as sachets, to enable producers and consumers to easily shift to reuse and refill; ...
As accumulating plastic waste continues to threaten human health and life under water, experts and decision-makers in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines have sought innovative, upstream solutions ...
Actions such as disassembling and reusing materials provide viable and consistent alternatives across diverse contexts, whether in regions with abundant resources or in those where reuse is a ...
Riyadie, pelukis pelepah pisang dari Kebumen, Jawa Tengah. (Beritasatu.com/Muharom Adi) Kebumen, Beritasatu.com – Unik dan menarik, seorang warga Kebumen, Jawa ...
In the wake of the fires at Paris' Notre Dame and the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, recent years have seen architects proposing innovative approaches to rebuilding these sacred spaces, exploring ...
KARYA SENI: Riyadie, saat mengerjakan sebuah lukisan dari pelepah pisang di Kandank Seni yang menjadi rumah produksinya.-IMAM WAHYUDI/RADAR BANYUMAS - KEBUMEN, RADARBANYUMAS.CO.ID - Pelepah pisang ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Pisang dikenal sebagai buah yang kaya nutrisi dan memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan. Namun tidak semua orang disarankan untuk mengonsumsi buah ini. Beberapa kondisi kesehatan ...
Carnegie Mellon's Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Software Engineering (REUSE) program is an opportunity for undergraduate students to spend a summer working with some of the world's ...
Patrick Reusse is a sports columnist who writes three columns per week. Andy Reid and his cherished toy, Patrick Mahomes, will take on the Eagles for the second time in three years with the ...
Inilah sosok Askolani, Bupati Banyuasin yang jadi sorotan karena prestasinya. Banjir Tawaran Jadi Dosen Usai Raih Gelar Doktor Cumlaude. Kabid Labfor Polda Jatim, Kombes Pol Marjoko, mengungkap tidak ...
Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Pisang merupakan salah satu buah yang sangat populer dan banyak dikonsumsi di Indonesia. Terdapat beragam jenis pisang dengan karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Dua jenis pisang ...