On Dec. 15, 1974, architect Jaime Ortiz Mariño and his friends organized a protest they called the Great Pedal Demonstration.
Stay connected effortlessly with high-performance walkie-talkies now on sale on Amazon ... Ideal for covert operations, this headset is a reliable addition to your communication gear. Ensures ...
The Apple Watch Walkie-Talkie feature is a blast from the past, and enables people to communicate with close friends or ...
"Putting on Christ" by author Steven Anthony Bishop seeks to inspire those who are diligent truth seekers. And for a limited time, KSL.com readers can get a free e-book version. "Those whose ...
Two retired senior Mossad agents revealed to CBS’ “60 Minutes”, in a report which aired on Sunday night, some details about the September operation in which thousands of walkie-talkies and ...
When I was a kid, I thought walkie-talkies were the coolest thing in the world. Grant it, this was in an era before ubiquitous cell phones, so battery-powered communication devices were pretty novel.
In addition to spying risks, these devices also put current owners at risk for violating existing federal and state laws. Some of these devices are outlawed under Section 889 of the National ...
Haloid Solutions, a leading provider of wireless communications equipment, is warning all business and government agencies about foreign espionage and business disruption risks from China ...