Negli ultimi 50 anni la durata della stagione di pattinaggio in alcune zone del Canada è diminuita di un terzo. Entro il 2050 ...
La Regione Basilicata comunica che il dato relativo al numero dei “Casi in isolamento domiciliare” ed ai “Guariti” non è reale ed è in corso di revisione. La Regione Emilia-Romagna comunica che il ...
Come funziona la Ztl a Milano? Attraverso mappa, regole e orari proviamo a venire a capo delle due grandi zone a traffico limitato della metropoli lombarda: Area B, denominata ‘la più grande ...
Editor’s Note: There will be some minor spoilers for early parts of the first episode of the MAPPA anime Zenshu below. However, Natsuko is a bit of a failure as a human being, since her hair ...
Aside from showcasing the talents of the animators and production team over at MAPPA, ZENSHU wears its heart on its sleeve from the very beginning, and in its first episode, the series makes it cr ...
I should have closed six months ago.” Mohan, a 34-year-old, self-taught chef who has owned restaurants in Ottawa for the last six years, even competed last fall in the Ottawa regional qualifier ...
On Saturday, January 4, 2025, Crunchyroll announced that MAPPA's Zenshu anime will receive a same-day English dub, starting its premiere on Sunday, January 5, 2025. Additionally, the official ...
Women and children made up more than half of Ottawa's slain in 2024, a year of record cases for the city's homicide detectives. Twenty-five people were killed in 20 cases, breaking Ottawa homicide ...
MAPPA to premiere its original anime ZENSHU on January 5, 2025. The story follows Natsuko Hirose, a young director who struggles to create a love anime due to her lack of personal experience.
MILANO — Oggi le azioni Geox sono attese al test della Borsa, nel primo giorno di mercato utile dopo la manovra finanziaria annunciata dal gruppo di calzature poco prima della mezzanotte del 30 ...