There is also a recreation of a 19th-century sea captain's parlor at home and his quarters at sea, a diorama of the Mayflower Compact being signed aboard the Mayflower in Provincetown Harbor and more.
The Ten Commandments may soon find their way into public school classrooms if some in the Kentucky General Assembly have ...
If policymakers and schools place greater emphasis on American civics and parental information, they will improve public ...
He came on the Mayflower, was part of the Mayflower Compact, and like I say, I have spent a lifetime, 68 years, of kind of traveling the country, and I find myself in the places they were,” said ...
The bill would require the Ten Commandments be posted in each classroom in South Dakota's public schools. But it could face ...
First-term Republican Sen. John Carley of Piedmont, who sponsored SB 51, said he brought the bill because it brings a traditional, historical foundation document back to schools, reintroduces the ...
She traced her ancestry back to George Soule, signer of the Mayflower Compact, and through to England as far back as the late 1500s. Victoria was recently made a member of the Daughters of the ...
They include the text of the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence and the Northwest Ordinance, which established laws in the U.S. territory in the late 18th century. The new law ...
It also suggests that schools post the Ten Commandments alongside other historical documents such as the Mayflower Compact or the Declaration of Independence, which the law allows schools to ...
Additionally, the legislation requires that a statement describing the historical significance of the Ten Commandments be included and that a display can also include other notable documents, such as ...