The magnificent giraffe, the tallest land mammal, is most recognized for its ... Included are graphic organizers, activity worksheets, informal assessments, mini-projects and more!
Whales are the biggest creatures on Earth. These animals are found in every ocean, but that doesn't make them fish.
Two new studies offer insights into the evolution and development of external ears, which appear in humans and other mammals ...
Momentarily pausing after eating some mealworms, an elusive shrew’s long snout pointed skywards, unaware of the historic ...
New research shows sea turtles, penguins and whales swim at optimal depths to minimise the energetic cost of travel.
Our 5-day unit plan takes students on an engaging owl adventure, uncovering more about their dynamic habitats, nocturnal ...
but it has a distinction that sets it apart from any other mammal in the state: If you type its name into Google Images, you’ll come up dry. Search results include a sketch of the animal ...
noticing the mammals’ habit of stashing food away for later or taking micronaps. Photographing live animals, particularly ones who are smaller and more obscure, also allows the public to connect ...
This site includes areas for endangered species The discovery of the tapir comes after more than a century without records of this type of mammal, the last being in 1914 when they were seen in the ...
There are few animals so beloved in literature as the ... Water voles are Britain’s fastest disappearing mammal and face possible extinction. A recent wildlife survey showed an alarming 94 ...