Nearly 75% of swab samples taken from fitness equipment tested positive for Staphylococcus aureus, a type of bacteria that ...
Bacterial Infections Mounting evidence suggests that tea tree oil may treat antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections such as the superbug MRSA better than orthodox antiseptic skin preparations.
Injections of a common household disinfectant could help make radiotherapy more effective against some types of breast cancer. Hydrogen peroxide creates a toxic environment for cancer cells.
Common ingredients in disinfectant wipes are linked to health harm and can contribute to ... [+] antimicrobial resistance. According to the CDC, cleaning surfaces with plain soap and water gets ...
Remove hard water deposits on your tub/glass shower doors. Heat 250 millilitres of white vinegar in a pot. Spray onto surface. Let sit 15 minutes and wipe clean. Don’t use vinegar on natural stone, ...