What does an ancient lava tube in the Canary Islands have in common with space exploration? For our robotics teams, it turns ...
NASA’s Juno mission found Io’s biggest volcanic eruption ever. The explosion was stronger than all Earth’s power plants ...
Loki Patera is 202 kilometres (126 mi) in diameter, covers 20,000 sq km (7,700 sq mi), and was the largest volcanic feature found on Io until these new observations revealed the hot spot in the south ...
On Dec. 27, 2024, NASA's Juno spacecraft swooped by the volcanic world Io. It witnessed a giant eruption.
The unusual holes in the ocean didn't reveal an underwater volcano or some hydrothermal vents, but rather something remarkable.
For centuries, we have been taught that there are seven continents, but new research has suggested there are actually only ...
“We wanted to test the brightness of lava.” Laser beams streak from ... one more step toward a lifelong goal: to find an Earth-like planet orbiting a sunlike star. Her current focus is the ...
Since completing its primary science objectives in orbit of Jupiter, Juno has been conducting flybys of the Jovian moons Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. The spacecraft completed two very close ...
One of the most charming aspects of Cooper Street Antique Mall is how it brings together people from all walks of life. On any given day, you might see a young couple furnishing their first apartment ...
The building blocks of life could have been delivered to Ceres by one or more space rocks from the outer asteroid belt.
The world has over 100,000 islands, and most have been explored. But some remain a mystery to most of the … Continue reading ...
Throughout its long history, Earth has warmed and cooled time and again. Climate has changed when the planet received more or less sunlight due to subtle shifts in its orbit, as the atmosphere or ...