Research has revealed contamination of rivers in the UK with chemicals from topical flea and tick treatments. They enter waterways when treated dogs swim in river or owners wash their hands after ...
Research has found that harmful chemicals from pet flea treatments are causing increased chick mortality rates ...
Bumblebees with pesticide exposure experience hormetic stress responses with impacts on future generations and reproduction.
I appreciate all your warnings about anti-flea and -tick insecticides in pet collars posing health risks to dogs and cats, and to any family members who pet ...
While scientists still aren’t sure how phosphine wreaks so much havoc on the body, some are developing medications that can ...
TSCA/FIFRA/TRI - EPA Issues Final Risk Management Rules For TCE, PCE, And CTC: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ...
While much about modern farming techniques centers around the use of synthetic pesticides (a catch-all term that includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and other similar substances) on large ...
The first step in USNCO, held each March. High school students can participate by registering with ACS. Registration does not guarantee participation. Students will be notified by their ACS Local ...