Chinch bugs can quickly lay waste to your garden plants, especially if you make these common mistakes while trying to combat ...
Robins are everywhere once again. The American robin (Turdus migratorius) is a migratory bird. Seasonal movements between ...
An expert guide to lawn shrimp identification and control. You may never have heard of lawn shrimps before and never have them in your backyard. Indeed, it will depend on your cli ...
With the spring season approaching, you might start to see small, coiled piles of soil scattered across your lawn. These are known as worm casts, a byproduct of earthworms processing organic ...
Grub worms can be one of the trickiest pests to ... The best time to apply grub control to your lawn depends on whether you're using a preventative or curative insecticide. Preventative treatments ...
Pinworms are small, thin, pin-shaped worms that sometimes live in the human colon and rectum. They're also called threadworms. They're about 1/4- to 1/2-inch long — about the size of a staple.
Raid House & Garden Bug Spray kills bugs on contact and won’t damage house or garden plants Kills Aphids, Boxelder Bugs, Caterpillars, Climbing Cutworms, Crickets, Flies Japanese Beetles ...