Ghost Trail” director Jonathan Millet will plumb the depths of the unconscious with his sophomore feature, “Les Rêves ...
Unifrance, the French promotional film organization, celebrated rising stars at this year’s Rendez-Vous in Paris. The 10 ...
Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller was a protege of Auguste Rodin and shaped the Harlem Renaissance. The African American Museum in ...
From Cubism to Pop" features over 150 objects from the Diane Venet collection of rare and unique artist-created jewelry.
France’s president has paid homage to former French Resistance activist and author Geneviève Callerot, who has died aged 108.
The French photographer Raoul Minot took clandestine photos of Nazi-occupied Paris. Now, his images serve as a reminder of ...
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum is celebrating the artists Marcel Proust loved and immortalized in his celebrated novel, In Search ...
The exhibition at the Frist Art Museum includes works by the likes of Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Paul Gauguin ...