The plot centers on 16-year-old Sarah, played by Jennifer Connelly, who embarks on a journey through a magical labyrinth to save her younger brother from the Goblin King Jareth, played by David Bowie.
The 1986 cult film, directed by Muppets creator Jim Henson, produced by George Lucas, written by Monty Python star Terry Jones and starring David Bowie as ... in the Labyrinth universe was ...
and the Goblin King Jareth (David Bowie) has taken him to his castle in the Goblin City in the middle of a labyrinth. Sarah repents and asks Jareth to give him back, but Jareth tells her that she ...
David Bowie famously embodied the character in Henson’s original film, acting opposite a 14-year-old Jennifer Connelly. Labyrinth follows the adventures of Sarah (Connelly), who finds herself ...
Luther Vandross had a huge fan in David Bowie, who also played a key role early in the late soul singer’s start in music. Vandross’s remarkable career is back in the spotlight in the new ...
David Bowie’s first encounter with Elvis Presley came with a harsh life lesson: there are few things more embarrassing than seeing one of your all-time idols for the first time and making a ...
Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Music icon David Bowie had such an enduring love affair with Germany’s Berlin, he almost single-handedly brought the notorious ...
This explains Leonardo da Vinci’s gift in both painting and architectural design. Most people know David Bowie as a pop star and a performer, but did you know he had a secret talent? Not only did he ...
David Bowie was one of the world's most celebrated and talented artists of all time, from his Ziggy Stardust persona to his Berlin Trilogy of albums to his Labyrinth mid-80s pomp. He was a true ...