An uptick in deaths in the dental chair lead to calls for more rules and oversight over how dentists administer anesthesia.
Even though you will be awake and alert, you might feel sleepy. For mild to severe anxiety, oral sedation is a great choice.
Flossing your teeth at least once a week may be linked to a lower risk of stroke caused by a blood clot blocking brain blood ...
Older patients who underwent hip fracture surgery with either regional anesthesia without sedation or general anesthesia experienced similar incidences of postoperative cognitive decline.
Dental health is a key component of the Animal Health Department’s preventative medicine program at Zoo Miami. A variety of ...
Dental implants have been a part of modern dentistry for years resolving significant problems in the world of human teeth Combining high-class functionality with superior aesthetics dental implants ce ...
Iowa dentist is facing licensing sanctions related to a January 2024 dental procedure that resulted in the death of a 50-year ...