The Transformers franchise is set to release Transformers: Age of the Primes, featuring characters from the "13 Primes" mythology. A leaked promotional video introduces Prima Prime, Solus Prime ...
Sega and Hasbro announced that there will be a new crossover between the Sonic the Hedgehog series and Transformers that results in Sonic and Tails joining the toy line. They will be available ...
Transformers The Movie Optimus Prime Studio Series 86 Commander Class 2024 G1 Action Figure Review You’re wasting your money on Netflix if you haven’t watched these 10 films Saving the fastest ...
De la Torre was part of Netflix’s “Toy Boy” since its debut in 2019. The show ran for 21 episodes across three seasons until 2021. The series followed Hugo Beltrán, played by Jesús ...
José de la Torre, star of Netflix‘s Spanish series Toy Boy, died December 5. He was 37. Spanish publication Montilla Digital reported on de la Torre’s death, while Spanish actors have paid ...
Toys ‘R’ Us Studios is partnering with Fox Alternative Entertainment to develop a reality competition show, Toys ‘R’ Us Family Faceoff, that will feature families competing inside a “larger than life” ...
The first of Michael Bay’s Transformers movies wasn’t a home run with critics, but it was generally well-received by audiences worldwide and kickstarted a long-running movie series that can ...
The Hatchimals toy series first came out in 2016. If you're interested in any of the featured toys, you can visit the Toy Insider website for more information.