The odds of having identical quadruplets are one in 11 million births. With Rachel Vargas's complications, her babies are one ...
I don rsquo;t know is an answer . rdquo; This is my favorite quote from Robert Ingersoll and is probably the most honest ...
Steve has been going through chemo. Again. He was at church last week. “How are you doing?” I asked, knowing it had been a ...
An exhibition hall in central Seoul's Insa-dong houses a small shrine just large enough for one person, where colorful ...
Rev. 9:21; 21:8; 22:15; Gal. 5:20 - these verses mention the word "sorcery." The Greek word is "pharmakeia" which includes abortifacient potions such as birth control pills. These pharmakeia are ...
Soon after joining the board in 2023, Rooks began reciting Bible verses during a part of school board meetings reserved for board member comments.
The Hebrew Bible, which Christians call the Old Testament, offers instructions about celebrating a Jubilee every 50 years.
This week we shall consider “Gnosticism,” a movement which was similar in some ways to Christianity but in other ways very ...
Every one of us have seen or worn those famous bracelets … What Would Jesus Do? How many of us, though, ask ourselves … What ...
The Torah too is claimed by many Muslims to be filled with Tahrif; but Jews say that there are 70 different way of understanding God’s words and the differences are enlightening, and not falsifying.
His parents – Pastor Boris Vujicic and nurse Dushka Vujicic – were not given any medical explanation or warning about his birth with neither arms nor ... described his feelings after reading these ...
Even before His birth, He is referred to as Lord ... Some may object to Christ's divinity and cite Bible verses pertaining to His humanity, e.g.: ...there is one mediator between God and men ...