Effective management of bed bugs often combines non-chemical and chemical treatment options. Whether you choose the ...
Bio-gene is not the only ASX life sciences play to bring germ warfare to the US military. The maker of Travelan, ...
A Utah lawmaker wants to change the common scientific name of the Mormon cricket, citing the LDS Church's stance against ...
Climate change is bringing new insect pests into our gardens. A change in climate means that areas that were once ...
Chinch bugs can quickly lay waste to your garden plants, especially if you make these common mistakes while trying to combat ...
Spotted lanternflies are voracious eaters that, if left unchecked, could cause millions in crop damage, Cornell researchers ...
The Anabrus simplex doesn’t know it is the subject of new legislation. Neither does the insect know that some consider its ...
Your description sounds like you have a problem with whiteflies and a population big enough that it requires treatment. Despite their name, they resemble moths more than flies and are a common ...
Teenagers typically seem consumed with their own busy school and social lives. Claire, however, has focused on a bigger issue: promoting plant biodiversity in the suburbs to help stop the drastic ...
Bio-Gene Technology (ASX:BGT) has received its receipt of contracts from the U.S. Department of Defence to assess BGT’s ...
Despite the hotel's denial, the guest demanded and received a refund before moving to another hotel at 3 a.m. But the ordeal ...
Growers are trying to figure out what caused missing plants in their corn stands last season and what solutions they can use ...