Netflix has landed worldwide streaming rights to “Anuja,” the Oscar-shortlisted live-action short that counts Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Mindy Kaling and Academy Award winner Guneet Monga Kapoor ...
It stars Ananya Shanbhag (Palak), Sajda Pathan (Anuja), Nagesh Bhosle (Mr Verma). Anuja tells a hopeful tale of two sisters struggling to find joy and opportunity in a world intent on their ...
Oscar-shortlisted short film Anuja, directed by Adam J Graves, will soon be available for streaming on Netflix. The live-action film has received significant backing from Priyanka Chopra ...
Premiering at the HollyShorts Film Festival in August last year, Anuja is set in Delhi, India and follows the life-changing journey of the nine-year old title character played by Sajda Pathan ...
Los Angeles: Actor-producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas has boarded Oscar-shortlisted film "Anuja" as an executive producer.The New Delhi-set short film, which has two-time Academy Award winner Guneet ...
The acclaimed short film Anuja is set to debut on Netflix, offering global audiences a heartwarming and powerful story of resilience. Directed by Adam J. Graves, the film follows nine-year-old ...