The latest sensation on social media is a video featuring the renowned Mahakal Giri Baba, also known as the Hatha Yogi, seen thrashing a YouTuber with a pair of 'chimta' or tongs for asking ...
In the video, the sadhu, visibly annoyed by the questions, reacted by striking the reporter with a pair of tongs and forcibly pushing him out of the tent. The sadhu then addressed the onlookers ...
The viral video depicts Mahakal Giri Baba, also known as Hatha Yogi, assaulting a YouTuber with tongs for posing what he deemed to be frivolous questions. In the video, the YouTuber can be seen ...
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This is quite simply one of the best budget telephoto lenses that Canon users can buy. About half the price of Canon’s full-frame 70-300mm tele zoom, this EF-S optic for APS-C format bodies is smaller ...
Positioned on the sun-facing side of a structure, it consists of a wall made from materials like brick, stone, or concrete, and a glass panel or polycarbonate sheet placed a few centimeters in ...