Among 34,000 people in the town of Oświęcim is just one Jew – a young Israeli named Hila Weisz-Gut. It’s an interesting ...
Az akár szokásosnak is nevezhető nyugdíjaskedvezményeken túl több hazai termálfürdő további árengedménnyel próbálja magához ...
Januárban még a régi áron lehet vizsgáztatni. Mivel az ÉKM által előírt, hatósági árváltozások február elsején lépnek életbe, így most még azoknak is érdemes lehet autót vizsgáztatni, akiknek csak 2-3 ...
Nominated for his work in Queer, Daniel Craig went stag to the 2025 Golden Globes, leaving fans wondering where his wife, Rachel Weisz, was. According to Craig, Weisz had a very good reason for ...
The 56-year-old English actor has been married to actress Rachel Weisz since 2011. They share a daughter, six-year-old Grace, who they raise in both London and the United States. Daniel also ...
Aron Puretz and his son Eli Puretz received a five-year sentence on Dec. 12 and a two-year sentence on Jan. 2, respectively, for taking part in a scheme that resulted in them and another investor ...