Looking for a nice burger menu? Check out Vue burger menu - An off-canvas sidebar Vue component with a collection of effects and styles using CSS transitions and SVG path animations.
This article explains how we can create a dynamic multi-level menu in laravel. It shows parents and child menu with a nested tree view structure.
Epic Spinners is an Easy-to-use CSS spinners collection with Vue.js integration. Developed by Epicmax. Demo & Documentation View demo to see vue.js components usage examples and html/css source code ...
Shuvo Habib shows us how to use Vue.js hooks and React.js hooks. As React Doc says, Hooks are a new feature proposal that lets you use state and other React features without writing a class. It’s ...
Akaunting is a free and open-source accounting software for small businesses and freelancers built on Laravel. Thanks to its modular structure, Akaunting provides an awesome App Store for users and ...
In my opinion, real-time apps are the future. Socket servers usually were not that easy to setup, but Laravel Echo Server changes this. In this article, I’ll briefly show you how to quickly whip up a ...
Laravel Telescope is a new debug assistant for the Laravel framework, created by the same people who created Laravel. It was first announced at Laracon AU, and its beta was released shortly after.
If you like the Command bus stuff, you probably miss the commands in laravel, after the upgrade to 5.1 it was renamed to Jobs and even after that they stay really useful. However, there are some other ...
vue-masonry-css is a Vue component which can be used to order items into the desired columns at specified breakpoints.