Colons are used mostly to introduce or emphasize a word, list, phrase, or sentence. Use colons in the following situations: Combine two complete sentences when the second sentence completes, explains, ...
Clarify the titles of books, lectures and other compositions—Use a colon in titles that express two parallel ideas. The words on either side of the colon should be able to stand on their own. (He ...
The most frequent use of the semi-colon is between two complete sentences. It can be substituted for a comma plus a conjunction. Ex: Tom ate breakfast with his family, and then he left for his trip.
The colon is not something that shows up in the majority of sentences, like a period or a comma. And its use is not outwardly obvious like an exclamation point or a question mark. So here’s a ...
a semicolon links independent clauses of equal standing. Below are some helpful tips on how to use semicolons effectively and appropriately to strengthen sentence structure and variety. Deadpool is a ...
Of all the punctuation marks, the semicolon is far from the most popular. It's fallen in usage since it's heyday in the 1800s. Why was it so big then, and what changed? It might be that folks ...
So Arthur using just bullet points colons and semi-colons you need to organise the text to list the information. Let's take a look at the first text. In the first part of this challenge Arthur ...
Please enable JavaScript to read this content. The period (full stop) is perhaps the only punctuation mark that learners and those versed in the English language use ...
Colons : and semi colons ; are punctuation marks that connect phrases in a sentence. This technique should be familiar to you as you will have studied it at 3rd level. Use this guide to revise and ...