Big Rip: If dark energy continues accelerating the expansion of the universe, it could eventually tear apart galaxies, stars, planets, and even atomic structures, resulting in an "end" at the ...
Because we haven't found anything yet, we've started to wonder if dark matter might be lighter or heavier than we thought.
By employing a new and improved supercollider, scientists are hoping to dissect the very fabric of the Universe and calculate ...
Astronomers know that the universe is being pushed apart at an accelerating rate and they have puzzled for decades over what could possibly be speeding everything up. They theorize that a powerful ...
As they burned, generating heat and forging new matter, their intense light began tearing apart the hydrogen that pervaded the universe. Everywhere electrons were ripped from these atoms ...
Here’s how it works. Dark matter can't be too heavy or it might break our best model of the universe, new research suggests. We have an abundance of evidence that something fishy is happening in ...
Invisible dark matter makes up most of the mass in the universe, far outweighing the amount of matter we can see. | Credit: Dark matter, R. Caputo et al. 2016; background, Axel Mellinger ...