If left to their own devices, they will eventually grow into tall, chaotic-looking spiny plants ... spear thistle, Fuller's thistle, and lance-leafed thistle, is a biennial weed found in almost ...
When thistles take root on turf grass, they can quickly turn your shoeless paradise into a prickly ... "New plants pop up from the roots, so where you had one Canada thistle last year, you might ...
Canada thistle is a colony-forming perennial from deep and extensive horizontal roots. Stems are 1 to 4 feet tall, ridged ... divided into spiny-tipped irregular lobes. Flowers are unisexual, on ...
European marsh thistle frequently invades fens, wetlands, and disturbed sites such as roadside ditches. Identifying features include: typically grows 2-7 feet tall leaves are alternate with deeply ...
As sow thistle can grow up to 1 m tall, it can be quite a competitive ... and the leaves of young sow thistle plants tend to have a large terminal lobe, unlike hawksbeard. As with the prickly sow ...
Canada thistle can be found in clay to gravelly soils. typically grows 3-5 feet tall stalk-less leaves around 6 inches long ... annually hand pull or dig rosettes and adult plants, dry in the sun or ...