(Google Translate from German) While the replacement regulator was built by [Mr. Floppy], the units ... switching power supply that meets the requirements of sensitive electronics like these ...
Neither unit met the specs on the label in terms ... On the other hand, this was a great introduction to switch-mode power supply designs, and what not to do with our own builds.
Abstract: Power-electronics engineers designing switched mode power supplies (SMPS) are faced with the challenges of limited space, the need to meet worldwide energy regulations, and ease of design.
Learn about the design considerations and EMI sources in power converters and minimize EMI problems for power conversion.
The series will explore various topologies of Switched Mode Power Supplies. In this first part, the focus is on general voltage converter circuits, including AC to AC and AC to DC converters.
Even below 100 V, its high power density and fast switching capability provide benefits like higher power-conversion efficiency in various power-supply designs.