Social media platforms are a great way to connect with Buffs near and far. We’ve outlined general brand guidelines for the main components found in social media below. Our goal is to maintain a ...
Graphics should incorporate the university’s color palette and other brand standards. Additionally, graphics should never replace university logo and must always be paired with a university logo.
The good news is that building a personal brand has never been confined to social media. Timeless strategies like public ...
Many social ... to a brand. How do you create a media kit? The format can vary, but there are certain pieces of information that influencers generally include in a media kit. Here are 27 examples ...
It may save you from sharing a broken URL—or worse, unsavory content you wouldn’t want associated with the RIT brand. Mistakes happen on social media. When you make one (posted the wrong URL; made a ...
The guidelines and standards outlined here have been created to protect, promote, elevate and enhance the University of Delaware (UD) brand on social media platforms. As these platforms are in ...
Northwestern recognizes the ample opportunities as well as the risks of using social media. Members of the Northwestern community who run University-affiliated social media accounts are expected to ...