We know, you’ve already got a USB to serial adapter. Probably several of them, in fact. But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t ...
The easiest interface to use was the trusty serial port — hardly the fastest but definitely the best supported. But how does one retrieve an image fired down a serial port? Most of the post is ...
RS-232 is the most known serial port used in transmitting the data in communication and interface. Even though a serial port is harder to program than the parallel port, this is the most effective ...
Serial cables are used for the serial transmission of data. They support communication standards such as RS232, RS422, and RS485, as well as Fibre Channel, IEEE 1394 or FireWire ® (Apple Computer, Inc ...
Old Macs used the serial port for printers. Also known as an RS-232 port, serial ports provide very slow speeds and have been superseded by USB on desktop computers. USB-to-serial adapters are ...