Back in the day (the 1990s) the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis consoles included a full on FM synth to ... RYM2612 is an accurate emulation of this FM classic, and in this tutorial we’re taking a look at the ...
[nukeykt] has been developing a Sega Genesis clone using them, with some impressive results. The Sega Genesis (or Mega Drive) was based around the fairly common Motorola 68000 processor ...
The Sega CD, or Mega CD, was an accessory for the Sega Megadrive/Genesis, allowing the machine to play more advanced games, effectively making it a new console. It wasn't a runaway success for the ...
(Make the following tutorial images larger by right clicking and selecting 'Open Image in New Tab') 1. The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis’s 16-bit stereo sound generation heralded a new era for gaming ...