To kill gnat larvae, try a mixture of soapy water and spray it on your plants’ soil, O’Neill advises. Use one tablespoon of liquid soap (such as dish soap) with one quart of water and spray ...
Q • I recently got a few new plants and now I’m noticing tiny black gnats flying around my house. What are they, and how can ...
Identifying Different Types of Gnats Signs of Fungus Gnats Infestation in Houseplants or Garden Can Gnats Kill Your Plants? 6 ...
This weekend, Tim takes a look at how to deal with soil gnats if they pop up in your potting soil, delivers tips and tricks on how to address lavender plants that won't bloom, and gives ...
If these pests are detected early as a result of regular and careful checks, they can almost always be controlled by mechanical (IPM) means before resorting to using a pesticide for control.