A Mermaid's Tale is an enchanting modern fairy tale, the story of Ryan, a 12 year old girl forced to move with Matt, her father, to the dying fishing town where he was born and to live with Art ...
Ariel, a mermaid princess, is curious about all things human. Ariel asks sea witch Ursula to take her voice in exchange for legs, as this is the only way she could explore the human world of Eric ...
Spooky season has a really strange and unusual new tradition; a mermaid show of Beetlejuice ... “Ahhh they used the musical ...
Little Mermaid live-action movie casts Prince Eric: Jonah Hauer-King nabs coveted role Little Mermaid star Halle Bailey says she doesn't 'pay attention to' Ariel casting backlash Harry Styles in ...
From the pages of Scary Monsters magazine, Destiny: Vampire Mermaid two "Destiny ... who has collected movies over 100 years with one actress in all of them who looks a LOT like Destiny.
The Little Mermaid is director Rob Marshall’s live ... Also available from under the sea: Be the first to know about your favorite movies, shows, comics, anime, video games, and more!