Animated series inspired by the classic Looney Tunes shorts. Bugs Bunny faces off against Taz, Marvin the Martian tries to plant his flag, and Wile E. Coyote tries a weather machine.
The 1941 cartoon "Wabbit Twouble" had Bugs Bunny antagonizing Elmer Fudd in Jellostone National Park, aka Yellowstone. The ...
From Bugs Bunny to Daffy Duck ... most recognizable characters from the era of classic cartoons. Here are a few of his best Looney Tunes performances. It was only in 1959 that she was finally ...
Classic TV network MeTV is turning its cartoon block into a new network ... content featuring its animated characters ...
Bob Givens redesigned the Bugs Bunny ... for the cartoons the company wanted to produce. Givens' redesign became the first official design for the lead character of the Looney Tunes franchise ...
Thirty-five years ago, the American conductor co-created Bugs Bunny on Broadway. It was a way to combine his deep childhood love of Looney Tunes cartoons with symphony orchestra music. Its ...
With global star power, Bugs Bunny has graced screens of all sizes, from television and movies to phones and tablets. Eighty 11-minute episodes of the new “Looney Tunes Cartoons” reintroduce ...