Asiatic lilies are some of the earliest to bloom, starting in early summer. Purchase them as bulbs to plant in spring or fall, or as blooming plants at a garden center. Keep watered until established.
There can be warning signs that a peace lily is "unlikely" to bloom, but there's still time to turn it around come spring.
Peace lilies are known for their beautiful flowers, but if they aren't blooming then it can be pretty upsetting - especially ...
Lilies are one of our favorites in the garden because there are so many varieties with a rainbow of spectacular blooms. All true lilies grow from bulbs and are members of the genus Lilium. These true ...
Though traditionally planted in autumn, daffodils can also be planted in January and February for a spring bloom. Fiona ...
Gardeners use foundation plants in the front of a house to help it blend in with its natural surroundings while hiding the ...
Peace lily problems? We’ve got you covered. Here’s how to help your plant flower and thrive. Peace lilies may have earned a reputation as one of the easiest flowering plants to care for ...