If you like to avoid chemical pesticides or want a quick fix to prevent a full-blown ant invasion, you might look to vinegar ...
He suggests regularly watering (but not flooding, so be careful about how long you water your lawn for) the nest and to do so with cool or lukewarm water never boiling. "Some people cite boiling water ...
Abathor granular ant bait controls ants in commercial and residential areas, golf course turf, lawns, and structures. Abathor Ant Bait from Ensystex controls a variety of ant species with a single ...
Learning how to kill an ant nest but not your lawn is the key to enjoying months of summer bliss time outdoors in a space that is ant-free, but also lush and healthy. Our home and backyard pros ...
PAYBACK FIRE ANT BAIT kills ants within 24 hours and controls fire ants for up to 2 months. This product is for outdoor use only.
Every time chemicals are sprayed on a lawn to kill weeds or ants for example, a few naturally resistant members of the targeted population survive and create a new generation of pests that are ...