Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to legendary actor Akkineni Nageswara Rao (ANR) during radio programme, Mann Ki Baat. His son and actor Nagarjuna, grandson Naga Chaitanya and his actor ...
Dr. Nageswara K. Rao is a General Medicine Doctor / Internal Medicine Doctor practicing in Visakhapatnam, specializing in the field of General Medicine / Internal Medicine. If any of the displayed ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi honored the legendary actor of Telugu cinema, Akkineni Nageswara Rao (ANR) for his conrbution to the film industry. Actor Nagarjuna has now thanked PM Modi for ...
Actor Nagarjuna expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for honouring his father, Akkineni Nageswara Rao. Taking to X, Nagarjuna penned a note for the PM's kind words for his father.