But do you know what the correct fan direction is? During summer, ceiling fans should spin in a counterclockwise direction. This pushes the air circulation in a downward breeze, which increases ...
But do you know what the correct fan direction is? During summer, ceiling fans should spin in a counterclockwise direction. This pushes the air circulation in a downward breeze, which increases ...
Why To Change Ceiling Fan Direction For Winter And Summer In winter, running fans clockwise pushes heat down and in the summer, when the temperatures rise, folks want warmer air to rise and cooler ...
Just like changing the ceiling fan direction in summer to stay cool, the r logic is true in the wintertime. After learning this tip, you'll be able to heat up your home quickly and more efficiently!
Why To Change Ceiling Fan Direction For Winter And Summer In winter, running fans clockwise pushes heat down and in the summer, when the temperatures rise, folks want warmer air to rise and cooler air ...